In order to better assist our established pets at Pinellas Animal Hospital, the doctors and staff have formed a non profit charity we affectionately call ‘Barnes’ Buddies’. This charity was named in memory of our long time house pet, Barnes, who came to live at our clinic after being shuffled from home to home for issues with thunderstorm anxieties.

With his happily wagging tail and energetic personality, Barnes enriched the lives of so many of the hospital staff both past and present. Sadly, Barnes succumbed to cancer November 5, 2008. In an effort to keep his spirit alive the team at PAH would like to make it possible to help other pets and their families during their time of need.

About Barnes Buddies

Pinellas Animal Hospital is a member of the Veterinary Care Foundation, a public, not-for-profit charitable foundation which was created to support local veterinary practices in their humanitarian work. Our practice donates considerable time and money every year by giving low or no-cost care to the pets of established clients facing financial crisis, treating abandoned, sick or injured pets and those in other unfortunate circumstances.

Sadly, the need today is far greater than our practice can support. The Veterinary Care Foundation is funded entirely through many veterinary practice membership dues and is used to oversee the management of our Barnes Buddies fund. This means that 100% of every dollar contributed is used to help fund the care and treatment of family pets at Pinellas Animal Hospital that we would otherwise be unable to support. Funds for this charity are raised through donations by staff, clients and the general public.

This charity is used to help established clients on a case by case basis at the discretion of the doctor and only if there are sufficient funds available. Any member of the team may make a suggestion for a case to be considered on the condition that the pet has a good prognosis of full recovery after treatment.


Motley presented to our clinic as a follow up from the emergency clinic because he had a urethral blockage. He had a urinary catheter in place and was maintained on IV fluids. He was hospitalized for four days and during that stay we removed the catheter only for him to become blocked again.

Since Motley kept having the recurrence of urethral blockage he was a candidate for PU (Perineal Urethrostomy) surgery. This surgery helps decrease the likelihood of repeat blockages by making the urethral opening wider.

The total cost of Motley’s hospitalization and surgery was about $2300.

The Barnes Buddies Foundation donated $500 towards Motley’s care.

We are happy to report that Motley recovered well from his surgery. Due to his condition, he will have permanent change to his diet to help prevent any urinary crystals from developing causing blockages.

Neeners came into our hospital with respiratory difficulty and possible seizure activity. After the initial exam the doctor recommended a chest x-ray where we found that his pulmonary artery seemed to be slightly abnormal. Then the doctor ordered a heartworm test and it came back positive. Neeners was diagnosed with heartworm disease.

With the diagnosis in hand we started Neeners on heartworm protocol. Which costs about $1250.

The Barnes Buddies Foundation donated $400 towards Neeners’ treatment.

Neeners responded well to his treatment.

Judy was presented at our clinic for a possible urinary tract infection. Upon exam it was noted that she did have a UTI, but she had bladder stones. Her exam also showed that she had a recessed vulva that makes her more susceptible to have UTIs in the future.

With the diagnoses that were identified, Judy’s surgery was scheduled to have a cystotomy to remove the stones from her bladder and a vulvoplasty to help remove the excess skin folds around her vulva. The cost for these procedures was about $1700.

The Barnes Buddies Foundation donated $700 towards Judy’s procedures.

We are happy to report that Judy recovered well from her surgery. Due to her condition, she will have permanent change to her diet to help prevent any stones from developing.

Wrex was rushed into our clinic following an altercation with his housemate. He had multiple lacerations on his front legs and his canine tooth was pierced through his lip.

With the exam completed it was determined that he would need numerous sutures, drain placement and hospitalization. The estimated cost of all of this was $460.

The Barnes Buddies Foundation donated $250 towards Wrex’s care.

Wrex recovered well from his injuries and is doing well.

Sara came to our clinic as a rescue pet that was adopted by one of our special-needs clients. She was ready to become a service dog but needed a little extra TLC. During the exam the doctor noted that she had severe periodontal disease and needed to have an oral health procedure done to clean and remove some teeth.

After the exam, she stayed for the day and had the procedure done. The total cost for the procedure and extractions was $560.

The Barnes Buddies Foundation donated $550 towards Sara’s care.

We are happy to report that with this procedure Sara was able to become a happy and healthy service dog to her owner.

Max came to our hospital because his owners noticed that he was pawing at his face more, and wanted to make sure was ok.  Dr. Wallen noticed a red mass protruding from the cornea of Max’s right eye, which was previously diagnosed with Glaucoma. It appears that the cornea has ruptured.    Dr. Wallen then spoke with Max’s family and recommended she remove Max’s right eye.  The surgery was done the following day. 

The total cost of Max’s hospitalization and surgery was $1665.

The Barnes Buddies Foundation donated $400.

 Max eventually did have to have his left eye removed as well due to the progression of glaucoma.  He is now totally pain free and doing amazing.   

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